We thank all the professionals, companies and entities who make posible the programs of the Foundation, who belongs to those who support it.
From the partnership between Natura Bissé and LA BOTTEGA DELL’ALBERGO come the amenities, 100% charitable products destined entirely to the causes of the Foundation. This contribution is a decisive support to finance the lines of action. LA BOTTEGA DELL’ALBERGO is one of the most recognized global companies in this sector. With their participation, the Natura Bissé amenities are in the best hotels in the world.
Oncology Skin Care program
Hospitals and patient associations who welcome us

Companies who support us

Difference program

Companies and entities of our network

Participating schools
Sagrat Cor Sarria (Barcelona), Ramon Muntaner (Peralada), Santa Isabel (Sant Cugat), Liceo Politécnico (Rubi), Gimbebé (Gavà), Ernest Lluch (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Sagrat Cor Besós (Barcelona), Joana d’Empuries (Figueres), Maria Ángeles Anglada (Figueres), International Del Camp (Tarragona), CEIP La Falguera (Vilanova del Vallés), Institut Escola El Prat (Barcelona).
Professionals and experts who participate to the trainings and the Rti program
Roser Ballesteros, Dr. Mauro Bolmida, Cesar Bona, David Bueno, Dean Bragonier, Dr. Henri Castleberry, Dr. Josep Font, José Ramon Gamo, Montserrat Garcia, Dr. Juan Jiménez, Dra. Luz Rello, Mar Romera, Florencia Salvarezza, Dr. Anna Sans, Dr. Josep M Serra-Grabulosa, Dr. Eric Tridas.
Sandra Bagurt, Marta Muñoz and Marisa Garcianda as professionals who participate to the RTI program at schools.