Project Difference
Ana Yañez – Responsable Project Differencet
June 26th, 2018
2018 International Conference had a double message. During the morning we talked about RtI (Response to Intervention), an intervention model from the USA and Canada that is already being implemented in the educational system of the Canary Islands (Spain). Experiences from different cultures and real case studies were shared. In the afternoon, we delved into the world of emotions applied during the learning process, specifically covering the areas of neuroscience, emotional intelligence and new challenges of education.
The event was held entirely in Spanish.
Thank you!
Project Difference
Ana Yañez – Responsable Project Differencet
Dyslexia, reading and the brain: what to know and do in school
Florencia Salvarezza
Unlocking the Dyslexic Potential
Dean Bragonnier
ADHD – Intervention strategies
José Ramón Gamo
Emotion and common sense in education
Mar Romera